I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and extra long weekend! I know we have enjoyed our time together.
On Wednesday we got to skype with Maddie. The kids had so much fun and so did Maddie. She showed us her chickens and goats! We will try and skype with Maddie once a week so we can all feel connected.
In math last week the students had their test on bar modelling. The kids did great! This is a tricky concept so we will continue to work on it throughout the year! When we get back to school on Monday we will begin multiplication.
In social studies we began learning about history and Massachusetts. This week we will read about the pilgrims.
Last week in reading we started to read fables. For the month of December we will be focusing on traditional literature.
In writing we started writing poetry. We learned about similes and metaphors.
Conference reminders will be going home this week. If the time does not work for you please let me know.